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It is so easy for anyone in the world to contact Keith Brent Duncan during his entire life from Aug 15, 1958. The USA Military, all governments, corporations, PRESS, Public, and especially all church and religious denominations can see that Keith represents all of humanity in all ways and means. Few solutions have not been created and published for the world to use to simply LOVE and CARE for each other. This is all that is truly required by all of mankind to avoid the impending Self-Genocide, self-annilliation, and the resulting Slave Trading Institutes that have been estalished over the past few decades by the Criminal Ruling Elite.
No excuses are acceptable by anyone to NOT love and care for each other as we are all existing under the benefactory permission of our our own ONE MUTUAL CONSCIENCENESS CREATOR who is indeed extremely wrathful about how his own creations have been idol worshipping and destroying the original creations named collectively MY PEOPLE and HUMANITY.

Racist bigot George Wallace mets Vice Pres George Bush and Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton at Bush's Maine home on July 30, 1983. Proof that so many Politicans are crooks who think they are hidden from GODs rule.
Keith Duncan is indeed 'WHO I AM' Everyone else must determine WHO THEY ARE, and why they exist in the Universe using the Breath of Life gifted by our own Mutual Creator. For those who actively abuse the rights of others are related to the slums of the world as well as Death Row by their own false testimony and signed confessions. Even IseeGranny.com is automatic way for citizens to monitor and shun all evil doers who refuse to identify themselves and their previous history using www.SolutionURL.com as the only referential database maintained and secured by replicated computer science methods to create the first and only necessary virtual and literal government enterprise known collectively as www.UNIocracy.com to the end of all time.
Contact Keith to ask any question as well as why FBI, AG, and all USA government agencies reactively prevent the arrests of all the criminals who reside inside their own agencies. Once removed, criminals are helpless, destitute, and homeless as their assets are used by all communities to build self-regulating and self-sustaining total enterprises under the aspices of CreatorKeith.com and ProfitShareHolders.com that are being held HostageForProfit.com by all the criminals who clearly want Keith Duncan dead..... Ask the USA military to come find Keith. Since Sept 25, 2011, that is all that has ever been required as competently explained by SolutionMilitary.com and www.ManHuntRose.com