-Our new world #1 + Only Reform Standard method to replace any addiction forever with positive lifestyle your event. most impactful outreach ministries hosted by TOM HAAG and each of you.
BuiltByKeith.ORG. +1 770-377-2106 UNIocracy.ORG
Call + BOOK yourself +1 828-620-7544 Thomas Haag Lost wages
Ensure sent directly to Atlanta FBI +1 (404)579-5615 Georgia USA. Below is God's original simple common sense system reverses all drug addictions forever. Monthly your own world save Town Hall forums to prevent all crimes.
Join + right now.
Direct URL You aRe Loved: ReBroadcast to WORLD Leaders. Mar 11 2025 - 1450 (*.org) is worlds most successful Anti Any Addiction psychology methods use of GODs way to solve, prevent, reverse any issue includes addictions to Lucifer Worshiping idols of Drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, human trafficking, mass murder, cyber crime terrorist, literally any one who violates no crime utopia as commanded by enforcing all the laws of New World No exceptions are excused. YOUR ONLY task is to self save yourselves by REPLACING all your cause of addictions with GODs positive actions that truly benefit all others for rest of your mortal life. Means MEETING your MAKER(s) at only your expense.
2024 Sept 29. Exactly WHO do you trust and know to protect life today? No one has ever survived what happened to me shown as worlds most public scandal multilevel conspiracies to murder me at
Most bible ironic since to open gift stabilizing + 180 other perfect answers.

Note: over 800 of my videos at were destroyed by Charles Rogers of Atlanta GA on July 8, 2024 when he sent message to YT claiming my channel violated WHOSE community spam standards. ONE person again caused YOU mega billions of USD damage by pure Lucifer false witness WMD heresay.
As of Sept 27, 2024 he sent me txt message claiming he is in Gatlinburg TN in newer Black Ford Explorer. He constantly refuses to pay me back over $6,000 USD in expenses Spring 2021 road trips to NC as I slept in his truck for 8 months always about and all other unification joint task perfected your solutions. Includes world reversing and was procreated by GOD + as the only complete perfected divined ordained total replacement methods to Unify all +8.175 billion WE Gods children forever use of my patent IP A.I.
Was 2024 Oct 28. Now online for final WHY Duncan 66 years ago. TO UNIFY all 8.175 billion WE GODS my children forever use of EVOTe.ONE part of perfected 0 crime debt free utopia as illustrated worldwide at
Oct 9, 2024. I was ON at 6:30 pm EST Asheville NC USA Biltmore PARK webcasting WHO causes all climate change. Odd Hurricane Helene HIT Oct 25, 2024 Mad Man made.
​ Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
My own $40 Billion USD valued state of art portfolio went extreme years 1972, 1976 NCSU gift shown at perfected, then Norcross GA 1982, 1989, 1996, 9/11 of 2001, 2008, Oct 3, 2011, then Jan 28, 2014, Feb 15 2015 China, Hong Kong, Philippines to Oct 5, 2018, then again return Jan 15, 2021 to 2024 Sept 25 anniversary when YOU my most beloved people eliminate ALL warlords, ALL criminals roaming freely by PROTECTING my life and commanding recovery of ALL my assets stolen by Duncan Clan, #1 most cyber terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, Sherry/kyle/matthew Duncan, murdered Brian Walker, and +140 others including the proof of funds at I always commanded total Direct action by each of YOU as I have been modeled by Jesus Christ and King Solomon that shows we are wealthiest highest IQ person of all GODs timeline and have been relentlessly severely persecuted and cyber attacked by everyone tied to murder for hire conspiracies of Norfolk VA 4:11:cr112 by simple Google 'Keith Brent Duncan'.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to provide us direct safe haven while greatest round-up of all violators of below now occurs universally. We then all live (simplified at is GODs simple complete economic replacement KISS methods use of GODs We have left this behind also as the worlds most prestigious mega Billionaire groups of Scientists, Engineers, Psychologists, Ideologists, Researchers, Professors, Inventors, humanitarian front liners and gifting philanthropists of who always oversee the worlds wealthiest megaBilkanaires and MegaMILKanaires showcased at GivingPledge.SPACE. No one actually uses Gods common sense to solve any nano to GODs eye view issues otherwise we would all be back living in Gods no crime UTOPIA of using to procreate completely self sustainable OUR commUNITYs with host mediating required host mediated town hall forums use of
Updated final 2024 May 23 was at St Simons Island GA searching for Deacon friend Clint Day (Norcross GA), Father was founder of Days INN. Clint was my fellow ordained Deacon Peachtree corners Baptist Church 1996 to Oct 3, 2011. He even sent message to me he TOO was NEVER interested in unifying anyone using GODs word.
DrKeith.Org is now 65 year old most senior Philosopher, Theologian, Peacemaking top world scientist engineer Philantrophist ProCreator of no crime UTOPIA and
Sent by GOD 1-19580815-1 to UNIFY 8 billion WE GODS children once and forever by your use of Perfected EVOTE.ONE FOIA.ONE and now 180 other simple common sense (most are patent technology education methods) solutions to totally decentralize all our assets and command authority back to EACH of US from infant to elder levels worldwide forever.
We always thought hundreds if not thousands even Millions of others worked directly WITH GOD and MotherEarth our entire lifespans till death do 'THEY PART'. Contact us immediately as of
2023 Oct 13, 2023. Just republished most popular WEBCAST in world history of:
Direct Contact TOM HAAG +1 702-349-9337 in sin city Lost Wages of Las Vegas Nevada USA, soon relocated back to ?? Atlanta GA or Asheville NC by his most recent ANTI drug related actions. LAS Nevada was always the center of all USA mafia crime enterprises of Drugs, Prostitution, Money Laundering, secret criminal terrorist cut deals that replaced the NYC Washington Powerhouses of Criminal Corporate world secret First Family terrorist networks.
HE also still refuses to ACT with any authority on behalf of GOD and WE MY PEOPLE. I have personally asked ten Thousand of YOU to actually hear and believe YOUR current false sense of reality and actually COME to my locations in Atlanta GA, Asheville NC as worlds best mega millionaire keynote Speaker on how to prevent reverse any addiction known to man.
Includes rapid deployment of that was
Updated final 2023 July 30, currently at Brunswick, St Simons Island GA searching for Deacon friend Clint Day (Norcross GA) son of famous Cecil Day Creator of Days INN hotel chain.
Atom Tom Haag is near beyond hope since he claims ALL DRUGS must be legalized to justify his own 20 year history of Intl Mail Drug dealing that resulted in Felony Convictions by FBI and DEA year 2011 when I met him. Everyone CALL him direct, ask him WHY he is a Lucifer Worshiping Drug Addict even past 12 year. His worst DSM-V self diagnosis is Paranoid Bipolar Psychosis most know as Narcissism same as most 8 billion MORTALs all brainwashed by the Criminal Ruling Elite past 6660 years to 'JUST TRUST ONLY THEM'. Sex and Drugs was always how the ELITE first families make each of YOU stupider so YOU violate the rights of literally everyone around you. part of you and GOD's perfected outreach ministries procreated by Keith Brent Duncan of Current issues of are reality of of 99% of all mortals worship LUCIFER by being brainwashed to GET THAT NEXT HIT named Emotional Orgasm.
Always was 100% easy for each of YOU to self save yourselves by use of GODs to REPLACE your repetitive worry stress psychotic mindset of GOT TO HAVE IT NOW with positive full scale forward thinking and ACTION to serve and protect all others forever.
We have detailed reality of WW3-5 are about to destroy all mortals by direct actions of Criminal Ruling Elite. Worst issues are always covered up by more drug, sex, sin, vice, crimes. We have the only methods to self save all mortals from any ADDICTION using GODs simple agreement system on paper and video audio recorded to ensure self compliance.
Anyone in world addicted to DRUGS, Alcohol, Gambling, SEX not only HARM themselves, but everyone else around them. We do have sociopath psychotic persons whose only purpose is to destroy the lives and assets of others like Eric Rodolph, Hitler, Stalin, NKorea Fatso Sung Jung-Un, and even almost Chinese Communist 205 party dictators.
CALL and DIRECTLY BOOK Tom Haag from Las Vegas Nevada at +1 725-248-1260 gifted this +20 Million USD valued anti any addiction master teaching forum programs includes and of Charles Rogers at +1 404 579-5615 to teach your groups how to reverse ANY addiction once and forever.
Includes master teaching in our Churches, Civic Centers, community meeting rooms, even Town Halls today.
CLICK HERE to go to Master HOME Page with full GODs details of fast path reversal of ANY addiction known by man and controlled by named criminals and world terrorists at
Related: value exceeds $20 Trillion USD of 100% green ecology underground mining required to rebuild GODs utopia of
Reverses ALL the economic wars of Criminal Ruling Elite strip mining GODs world while manipulating all commerce trading platforms to destroy any honest integrity person leaders from eliminating the existing LUCIFER agenda first families worldwide once all of you use EVOTE.ONE part of the most perfected comprehensive turnover of all GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS and ALL CORPORATE EXECUTIVES of any public traded corporation.
The true value of all the combined technology copyright patents of this one most profound totally gifted broadcast website exceeds over $450 TRILLION USD by anyone observation and R&D statistical analysis.
Keith. +1 770-377-2106 $40 Billion USD is now located and hiring top problem solving megaMillionaires (or you) in Asheville NC USA as world famous multinational MegaBillionaire enterprises of direct funding 200 to 300 new EDUCATION Technology Foundations owned + staffed by YOU our most beloved GODS people forever. Offices colocated Biltmore Estate + the BG Cove. Manufacturing, Medical, Education, Science, Technology is our only stream lined focus since Dawn of GODs civilization who procreate human advance of We GODs people.
Everyone BENEFITS using GODs methods of Duncan
EVEN TOM HAAG showcased now 11 years MUST be contacted and to testify everything using GODs for his confessions of confirmed true reality conspiracies with ROBERT DEE ROSE at and continuous denying he is impoverished because of his decades old addictions to mixed drugs that he was broker transporting back in ~1998 to year 2009 his confessions. was GODs simple self saving solution use of so each of you identify the root cause of any addiction and all 'bad habits'. Once you act with fearlessly authority to protect the rights of all others, you are hereby the most powerful contributing leader of your very own self sustainable eco community of and open public fully shared Database of GODs was always the method to ensure no more criminals can ever roam freely. Worst terrorists in world history want all of you dead while they escape and hide from WW5 caused by the most horrific sociopath psychopaths includes Robert Dee ROSE and GBI Director Berry V. Reynolds
Exactly WHO DO YOU KNOW to protect keith and your lives, assets, and souls RIGHT NOW. Book call +1 770-377-2106.
Below is the true reality ultimate story of how Criminals like Federal Judge Raymond A Jackson of Norfolk VA 4:11cr112 and AG Sally Q Yates, then AG Robert Bradenham of Norfolk VA actively conspired to MURDER Keith by forced drugging him on claims of applying illegal precedent laws from 25 years ago of Charles Sell. Then each criminal terrorist group conspired together (cabal) went back to seal, forge, change, destroy all criminal timelined evidence to coverup their crime spree crimes against humanity. End result is WHO is easy to search seize arrest by each of your Citizens efforts.
All of these WMD crimes of HereSay are immediate convictions to Prison and Death ROW for all tied to ROBERT DEE ROSE using GODs original EVOTE.ONE, and to pass judgment on any offender civil and criminal defendant. Keith was always the #1 world leader offensive Class Action Lawsuit Plaintiff and pro creator of all the procreate recreate the Garden of GODs UTOPIA FOIA.ONE of E.D.E.N. Updated 2022Dec06.